Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy
Volume 6, Issue 1 (2012)
Original Articles
Indigofera tinctoria: Preliminary experimental study evaluating its analgesic and behavioural activities in animals
E Sundaram, K Singh, K Reddy, Sunil Kumar, K.R.J. Nair, Anil Khurana, Hari Singh, and C Nayak
Role of homoeopathic medicines in treating uterine fibroid: A prospective observational study
Iqbal Quadri, M Shahid Ali, B Vatsalya, Hima Ponnam, and Nikhat S
Staphylococcinum - A multicenter clinical verification study
P Chakraborty, Subhash Kausik, S Nain, Pramodji Singh, Darshan Singh, Ojit Singh, M Rai, K Das, and R Bawaskar
A prospective observational study to ascertain the role of homeopathic therapy in the management of diabetic foot ulcer
C Nayak, Vikram Singh, Krishna Singh, Hari Singh, Jaya Gupta, Mohd Ali, and Hima Ponnam
Homeopathic pathogenetic trial of plumbum metallicum: The complete 2000 trial with a synthesis of the original 1828 trial
Andrea Signorini and Christa Pichler
Case Report
Book Review