
Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy

Corresponding Author

D. Chakraborty


Leprosy, Mycobacterium leprae, Trophic ulcer, Mercurius solubilis, Anaesthesia, Homoeopathy

Article Type

Original Article


Introduction: Leprosy is a disease of global concern not only because of its potential to affect large number of people and its continued transmission but also because of the occurrence of deformities In a great proportion of patients. It is also a fact that multi-drug regimen has been effective in killing Mycobacterium leprae but it has no impact on associated disability due to nerve function Impairment and trophic ulcer in leprosy. To explore the other means of treatment to save the leprosy patient from disability, a randomised double blind clinical trial was undertaken. Methodology: 160 leprosy patients who were released from treatment (RFT) and were suffering from elther trophic ulcer and peripheral anaesthesia were randomly selected. All the patients in study groups were given Mercurius solubilis orally for a period of two years or till recovery, whichever was earlier, while control group received placebo. Results: Statistically significant improvement was observed in the healing of ulcers and regaining of nerve sensation. The biopsy from the treated cases showed almost normal dermis containing new nerve twigs and sweat glands and blood vessels with no evidence of perivascular or perineural Inflammatory reaction. Radiographs of the patients with ulcer showed absence of osteomyelitic changes of phalanges with bony remodeling of metatarsal bone. Conclusion: This treatment was found to be most suitable for cure of neuropathy and trophic ulcer in multi drug treated leprosy patients.

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Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy

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