Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy
Volume 2, Issue 4 (2008)
Original Articles
Modeling Physical-Chemical Properties of High Dilutions: an electrical conductivity study
Carla Holandino, Rafael Harduim, Venício da Veiga, Sheila Garcia, and Carlos Zacharias
Ultra Dynamised and Undynamised Dilutions of Alloxan at Micro-doses Influence Selective Pancreatic Beta Cell and Hormonal Profile: An Experimental Approach
Sunil Kumar and C Nayak
Paraffin: A Multicentric double blind Homoeopathic Pathogenetic Trial carried out by CCRH
Rajpal Rajpal, V Siddiqui, N Dey, K Das, Yogendra Rai, and Vinay Singh
Mentha piperita – A Multicentric Clinical Verification Study conducted by CCRH
P Chakraborty, J Singh, M Rai, Pramodji Singh, A Vichitra, A.K.N. Singh, Deepa Chakraborty, D Singh, and Hari Singh
Clinical evaluation of homoeopathic therapy in the management of hyperlipoproteinemia
J Govekar, V Paul, K Singh, Praveen Oberai, and Varanasi Roja
Immunological studies on Rheumatoid Arthritis treated with Homeopathic drugs: Results of the Pilot Study
Prakash Rao and M Prasanna
Case Report
A big urinary calculus expelled with homoeopathic medicine
A Gupta, Jaya Gupta, V Siddiqui, and Alok Mishra