Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2008)
Original Articles
Application of HPTLC in the Standardization of a Homoeopathic Mother Tincture of Nux Vomica
D Shanbhag and Sunita Jayaraman
Standardisation of Homoeopathic Drugs – Castanea Sativa Mill.
P Rao, P Subramanian, P Reddy, and K Reddy
Argemone mexicana: A multicentric double blind Homoeopathic Pathogenetic Trial (Drug Proving) carried out by CCRH
N Dey, K Das, and Yogender Rai
Amoora rohituka: A multicentric clinical verification study conducted by CCRH
P Chakraborty, J Singh, M Rai, Pramodji Singh, Hari Singh, E Bhagat, V Siddiqui, A Vichitra, and A.K.N. Singh
Clinical evaluation of homoeopathic medicines in sinusitis
S Sharma, K Murty, G Sahagal, Bindu Sharma, K.S.V. Bharatalaxmi, K Raju, and S Kumar
Search for Potential Anticancer Agents: Evaluation of Anticancer Activity of Carcinosin, Apis and Thuja
Soma Samanta, A De, P Tarafder, and Tarun Jha
Study on effectiveness of homoeopathic bowel nosodes in the treatment of cervical spondylosis on the basis of stool culture report
Chaturbhuja Nayak
Case Report