
Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy

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Karunakara Moorthi


Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, Homoeopathy, Psychosis, Quality of life

Article Type

Case Series


Background: Psychosis is a clinical syndrome. The main clinical signs of psychosis are delusion and hallucination. It is a crucial focus of diagnosis and treatment in neurologic and psychiatric practice since it functionally disturbs numerous psychiatric, neurodevelopmental, neurologic and medical diseases.

Case summary: The World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale were used to evaluate the patients. The outcomes in all the cases suggested that homoeopathic treatment can play a significant role in easing psychotic symptoms and restoring the patient’s ability to understand. The most frequently prescribed medicines and potencies in these cases were Natrum muriaticum, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Stramonium in 30C and 200C potencies, Sulphur, Calcarea carb., Carcinosinum in 200C potencies and Ignatia amara in 30C potency. Extensive research studies are needed to generate additional, strong evidence of Homoeopathy in psychosis.

Digital Object Identifier



Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy

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