Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy
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Homoeopathy, healthcare, public health, research
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As we gear up to celebrate 269 years of homoeopathy, it is a matter of pride for the homoeopathic fraternity that homoeopathy continues to evolve globally. Homoeopathy is now a widely used medical system with over 200 million users in 100+ countries. If factors such as strong evidence, wide, global usage, and economic viability can be considered as the pillars that make a healthcare model legitimate for a nation, Homoeopathy, indeed, makes the cut. Given its well-acclaimed abilities of permanent, effective, and safe treatment, homoeopathy went on to be a fundamental part of Indian healthcare. However, despite the relevance and evidence of homoeopathy as a validated system of medicine, scientific backing of Homoeopathy has always been under attack by skeptics.
Reader's Reactions
Subhash Kaushik, Erratum: 269 years of Homoeopathy: The healing continues (April 2024)
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Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
How to cite this article
Kaushik S. 269 years of Homoeopathy: The healing continues. Indian J Res Homoeopathy 2024;18(1):1-2. doi: 10.53945/2320-7094.2083 Erratum: Indian J Res Homoeopathy 2024;18(2):1. doi: 10.53945/2320-7094.2109
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