Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy
Amputation, Arsenic album, Fasting blood sugar, Gangrene, Homoeopathy, Post prandial blood sugar
Article Type
Case Report
Introduction: Gangrene is defined as the decay or death of an organ or tissue due to a compromised blood supply. It is a perilous and fatal condition occurring most commonly due to diabetes. In general, people with diabetes have a significantly increased risk of lower extremity gangrene leading to amputation.
Case Summary: A 70-year-old woman presented with diabetic gangrene of her right leg and foot since 4 months. The patient complained of swelling and blackish discoloration of the right foot and leg with offensive discharging ulcers on the first and third toes. She was diagnosed with diabetic foot gangrene and advised to undergo surgical amputation of the foot and debridement of the leg by a local surgeon within 4–5 days to stop the spread of gangrene. After an unsatisfactory outcome, the patient turned to homoeopathy to avoid amputation. After a detailed case-taking, analysis and repertorisation, Arsenic album 30C was prescribed. Within 3–4 months, there was an improvement in the limb without any surgical intervention. Calendula officinalis Q was used for cleaning the wound and regular dressing. This case depicts the importance of individualised homoeopathic medicine in treating gangrene effectively, thus obviating amputation.
Digital Object Identifier
Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy
How to cite this article
Ankerela P, Belgavimath S, Rotti P. Obviating surgical amputation of diabetic gangrene through homoeopathy – A case report. Indian J Res Homoeopathy 2023;17. doi: 10.53945/2320-7094.1163
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