
Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy

Corresponding Author

Gurudev Choubey


Case Report, Gallbladder polyp, Homoeopathy, Ultrasonography, Urolithiasis

Article Type

Case Report


Introduction: Gallbladder polyps are usually asymptomatic and detected incidentally during abdominal ultrasonography (USG). Their presence, irrespective of size, is considered an indication of surgical removal. Case Summary: A 44-year-old hypertensive and diabetic male presented with severe pain in the left lower back for 1 month. Abdominal USG revealed the presence of a 4-mm size gallbladder polyp, mild hydronephrosis of the left kidney, two left renal microliths, 5.2-mm calculus in the left vesicoureteric junction, Grade-I fatty liver and Grade-I prostatomegaly. The patient was advised for cholecystectomy, but he opted for homoeopathic treatment to avoid surgery. At the first visit, homoeopathic medicine Calcarea fluorica was prescribed and the patient was followed up periodically for 1 year. His back pain reduced within 15 days. The patient was assessed for subjective improvement through the ‘outcome related to impact on daily living’ scale. USG after 10 months of treatment revealed that the gallbladder polyp was not present and his liver, kidney and ureteric functions returned to normal as per investigations. Modified Naranjo Criteria for Homoeopathy score (+8 on the ‘−6–+13’ scale) assesses if the improvement of the patient can be attributed to the homoeopathic treatment provided. This case report is presented to document the scope of individualized homoeopathy in the treatment of gallbladder polyp with multiple comorbidities pathologies. Further, documentation of consistent results from a large number of similar cases is warranted.

Digital Object Identifier



Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy

Included in

Homeopathy Commons








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