
Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy

Author ORCID Identifier(s)


Corresponding Author

K Sivakumar


Carcinosin, Homoeopathy, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Periungual warts, Plane warts, MONARCH

Article Type

Case Report


Introduction: Cutaneous warts are hyperkeratotic protrusions over the skin caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). These are common throughout the world. Cutaneous warts can occur at any age but are unusual in early childhood and infancy. Warts are often diagnosed clinically on physical examination, but some dysplastic lesions may require laboratory confirmation of HPV. Spontaneous clearance is not always possible, and offering a reliable prognosis to the individual case is impossible. Even though warts are frequently encountered in the day-to-day practice of homoeopathy, and the results are promising, there are limited research studies available in the online database. Case Summary: A 5-year-old female child was brought to OPD of National Homoeopathy Research Institute in Mental Health, Kottayam for the treatment of warts on different parts of body. After careful case-taking and construction of the totality of symptoms, Carcinosin 200C was prescribed in a single dose. In response to the medicine, warts began to reduce in size and eventually fell off in two months. The causal attribution for the outcome was assessed using MONARCH inventory for homoeopathy, which scored +9, showing the positive relationship between the intervention and the outcome. Therefore, this case demonstrates the positive role of individualised Homoeopathy in treating cutaneous warts.

Digital Object Identifier



Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy

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